Virtual Guitar Lessons
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Virtual Guitar Lessons

As the world adapts to new ways of learning and connecting, Canton Music Academy remains committed to providing exceptional music education to our students. Alongside our in-person lessons, we continue to offer virtual guitar lessons to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of our student community. The Advantages of Virtual Guitar Lessons: Canton Music Academy’s…

Music Lessons in Canton

Music Lessons in Canton

Music Lessons in Canton Canton Music Academy has been a cornerstone of the Canton, Michigan music community for over a decade. Since its opening in August 2011, this esteemed academy has provided high-quality music lessons to students of all ages and skill levels. Conveniently located at 5880 N. Canton Center Rd Suite 425, just 1/4…

Music Production Lessons

Music Production Lessons

Mike Hurley is an accomplished musician and music instructor at Canton Music Academy, teaching a variety of instruments and musical genres. With over 8 years of experience in teaching drums, piano, music studio production, and DJ lessons, he has become a trusted resource for aspiring musicians in the Canton, Michigan area. Mike’s journey in music…

Guitar Lessons: A Beginner’s Guide
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Guitar Lessons: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you a beginner looking to start playing the guitar? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the basics of guitar lessons, and help you get started on your musical journey. Why learn guitar? The guitar is a versatile instrument that is great for playing a wide range of musical styles, from…